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Youth Rally – Together

Make plans to be at Youth Rally online on October 3rd at 11am. Hear from Pr. Kojo Akomeah on the theme of ‘Together’. Join us on ‘Church Online’ or ‘Facebook […]

Adventurer Family Rally Day

“LEGO and Let God” - Adventurer Family Rally Day is on November 7 and you’re invited! Adventurers programs are perfect for all 4-9 year olds. And you don’t need to be part of a club to join in on the fun of rally day! There will be singing, games, crafts, and the opportunity to complete […]

GAP Camp

Yes, all Summer Camp 2021 applications are open! Right now! From breakfast chats to late night sing-a-longs & laughter, and exciting all-day activities to an energized worship and message every evening, from making new friends to hanging out with old ones – is there any better way to spend a week of your holidays? GAP […]