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Many of us are still finding we have more spare time than before Covid rampaged across the world.  And with the very gradual easing of restrictions set out in our country’s time line for recover, this may well continue for some time.  But there are some of us who have found themselves even busier than ever. To those of you who have found yourselves in this situation, selflessly serving others in whatever capacity, we say thank you.

Regardless of your situation, however, it is more important now than ever, to strengthen your spiritual immunity.

At AudioVerse, David Shim shares how to make every day count.  He is well worth listening to, however in summary, he shares these practical points for your devotional life:

  • Ask God to create in you a deeper desire for Him
  • Set a regular time and place to have devotions
  • Pray before you begin and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you
  • Choose a passage of Scripture. You could start with the practical books like 1 Thessalonians or James
  • Paraphrase the passage in your own words in in your journal or a sheet of paper
  • Ask God ‘Lord, what are you trying to tell me through this passage?”
  • Write your prayer response to God
  • Think about the Bible passage throughout the day

“Consecrate yourself to God in the morning; make this your very first work.  Let your prayer be ‘Take me, Oh Lord, as wholly thine.  I lay all my plans at Thy feet.  Use me today in Thy service.  Abide with me and let my work be wrought in Thee.’

“This is a daily matter.  Each morning consecrate yourself to God for that day.  Surrender all your plans to Him, to be carried out or given up as His providence shall indicate.  Thus day by day you may be giving your life into the hands of God, and thus your life will be moulded more and more after the life of Christ.”  EG White, Steps to Christ, p70.