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Over the last year and a half, our members in Horsham have been attending various markets in order to connect with community members and share the love of Jesus.
This outreach idea was seeded in the minds of several church members, who took to the markets at different times, including the Horsham and Warracknabeal show, and Natimuk markets.
We now have two people visiting the church, connections with community, have distributed approximately 200 Steps-to-Christ, 200 Sanitarium superfood recipe books and a range of other literature and dvds.
The recent market at Natimuk included taste testing of vegetarian kebabs and different flavoured Sanitarium So Good, an ADRA clothing stall, free gift bags and making balloon animals for children.
“It’s a great opportunity to meet people, and connect the community with faces from the local Seventh-Day Adventist church”, says one of the team. “Any way to connect with people and form those friendships is a step in the right direction.”
Horsham Church gratefully acknowledge the generous donations from Sanitarum, Life Health Foods, and local church members to make the market ministry a success.

Suzanne McDonald