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Local Church

Resources for the local church

Activities for Men’s Groups

Online Article

Ideas to help you run your local men’s groups

New Freedom to Love – Truth about Love and Porn

Online Resource

New Freedom to Love is created by the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America with the specific goal of raising awareness of the pornography epidemic and giving churches a tool to help members and their families. This 5-part, church-sponsored seminar that opens the subject of pornography up for frank discussion. It provides an educational, holistic look at how pornography affects us bio-chemically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Running a Toddler Group

Digital Download

A resource to help running a toddler group at your church

Sexual Abuse, Reclaiming Hope: Free Online Course

Online Resource

The purpose of the 6-module course is to explore multiple aspects of sexual abuse including awareness, prevention, recognition, protection, investigation, advocacy, responsibilities, organizational supports, healing, and structural approaches to stem the tide of unfortunate and criminal activities within the Seventh-day Adventist faith community. Unfortunately, abuse, harassment, and misconduct happen. Much of this takes place with our most vulnerable faith community members, our children, and young adults. As a church organization, we are taking a stand to stop sexual abuse. There are many things that can be done to limit or stop these types of incidents in your faith community. But the first step is talking about it.