Go and make disciples of all the nations… Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Matthew 28:18-20 NLT
Our Purpose
The Ministerial Association exists to encourage, equip, enable, and empower the ministers of the Victorian Conference to be all that God wants them to be, as they serve their churches. This includes resourcing, training and mentoring. It extends beyond just the ministers themselves to their families as well, to support them all in long term, sustainable and productive ministry.
Additionally, the Association also works with local church elders and key leaders, enabling them as they work side by side with their pastors, serving their local churches.
Together, we are all working to fulfil the commission Christ gave us in Matthew 28:19, to make disciples for Him.
Our Vision
Our church vision, here in Victoria, is to be a thriving disciple-making movement across our state, as we share the hope we have in our Saviour, Jesus Christ, in this mid-pandemic world.
It is a privilege to pastor our ministers and the Association’s prayer is that God will bless them and their families as they serve Him.
Pastors' Login
Pastoral Resources coming soon
Upcoming Events
There are no upcoming events at this time.
As well as empowering our ministers, the Association Secretary’s role is to support them – to eat with them, pray with them; to be their pastor, on call when they need assistance or someone to talk to…
Pr Justin Bone
Ministerial Association Secretary
Pr Piroska Vranyakne Feith
Associate Ministerial Secretary

Contact US
Shonet Heath
Departmental Assistant
Phone: 03 9264 7777