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Members at Ballarat Church are once again able to worship in their sanctuary, after severe storm damage saw them meeting in their hall for over three months.

It took exceptional storm conditions in April this year, to damage the roof of the Ballarat SDA Church, which has stood firm for over sixty years.

Damage to the roof allowed storm water to enter the sanctuary causing the ceiling (a later addition) to collapse.  The area was immediately declared unsafe.  Since that time, church members have had the choice of attending a 9.00 am or 11.15 am worship service which has been held in the church hall.  All children’s and youth’s Sabbath schools have been continuing as normal.

On Sunday 9th July, a group of enthusiastic church members met at the Ballarat church to start work.  Among their tasks was the removal of all the old tiles from the site.  This was a huge undertaking and continued well into the week.  Once the old tiles were removed, new battens had to be fixed in place and then the new tiles laid as quickly as possible.

It took a few more weeks but Ballarat church members are now worshipping together in their church sanctuary once again.

Praise God for His goodness.

Fran Thomas