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This year Gilson College reached a milestone, on Saturday 20th October the College celebrated 30 years of providing Christian Education to the community. Gilson College began with fifty students in 1988 and has grown to more than 1200 students spanning over two campuses. The growth is a testament to the team of principals who began with a vision 30 years ago – Lyndon Chapman, Ron Hiscox, Peter Baskin, Chris Cowled and now Mark Vodell. Each of the past principals were present at this special occasion as well as past students and staff.
The anniversary celebration was a day filled with stories and memories from past students and principals, musical items, creative expressions, drama presentations and a special uplifting message from the guest speaker, Dr. Daryl Murdoch, National Education Director. Attendees were able to walk through years of photos and memorabilia from when the College began to the present.
Current College Principal, Mark Vodell shared his sentiments on the day “To hear the past principals speak gave many a person a sense of God’s leading in our history. Then to see and hear our students and ex-students share their talents was certainly an inspiring time for the present. I remain hopeful about our future and our capacity to have a positive impact on the lives of tomorrow’s students and their families if we acknowledge our Lord and let him direct our paths.”
Congratulations to Gilson College on this auspicious occasion.