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What an interesting start to the year it has been for our Pathfinder Clubs! We acknowledge the challenges each club has been facing regarding how they should navigate Pathfinders in 2020. Some clubs have cancelled all meetings, others have tried zoom meetings/google hangouts etc. This is uncharted territory, and we appreciate your adaptability, resilience and commitment to your club at this time. You will be encouraged to know that the Youth Directors from around Australia are currently looking at the requirements for each pathfinder classes and are hoping to adapt them to an “at-home” learning style for 2020. This is a work-in-progress, and we will keep you updated. If you have any suggestions or ideas for this space, please get in touch at [email protected].

In the mean time, we would encourage you to keep in touch with resource distribution and current pathfinder/adventurer related news on our facebook groups:
Pathfinders Victoria:
Adventurers Victoria: