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Through it All

Conference Regional with special message from Pr Ted Wilson

Leadership training for everyone


Church Leadership comes takes many forms – whether it be leading in children’s ministry or music ministry. The GROW conference targets Elders, but is appropriate for all church leaders. If you work in any form of education, the ASVAC presentations may appeal. And material that helps our ministers serve their churches, are timely for everyone…
You don’t even need to be a leader to benefit from the presentations on this playlist…



Series of Sermons

This playlist is a collection of presentations on related or themed topics, gathered from local churches, VicYouth and other sources


Sharing with you a selection of local and visiting artists praising our loving God through music and song. May you be drawn closer to Him as you participate in praise – may you experience His love… coming from us to you…

Church Online

Unable to attend but would still like to be a part of a church family this Sabbath?   A number of our churches share their church services via live streaming, so please join in…  Click here to select your church

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