Rebecca Auriant
[email protected]
About ADRA
Victorian Projects
The Women and Families project
Location: Mebourne Metro
The Women and Families project provides support to women and men who are experiencing hardship through a partnership with Women’s Housing Victoria Ltd. Our support consists of 13 care packs every month to 13 properties for women escaping family violence and social inclusion activities (community gardening, healthy cooking on a budget, mentoring, homework and kids clubs) at the other 200 community housing properties across Victoria.

ADRA Community Care/ADRA Assist
Location: Springvale
ADRA’s Settle Assist project in partnership with Afri-Aus Care Inc. provides integrated social and mental health support services to migrant youth at risk and their families within the African and other CALD background communities in the City of Greater Dandenong and the South East Melbourne region. Through our services and programs we promote social inclusion, crime prevention, community development and youth resilience. Together our partnership provides the following programs:
- Mentoring through basketball (Black Rhinos), healthy cooking on a budget, conversational English, alternative education pathways, community gardening and culturally specific family support.
- Advocacy through the court network and prison visits
- Pathways to training and employment through ADRA Café’s.
We are always looking for more willing volunteers to get involved, forming friendships and making a difference.
ADRA Community Cafe
Location: Croydon
Vive Café is more than your traditional soup kitchen. Every Thursday, volunteers serve a nutritious three-course meal to support families and individuals experiencing hardship in the City of Maroondah. It has grown from serving 30 meals each week to now over 100 meals. Our key objective is to continue to provide ongoing love and support to those in our community who are struggling financially, who are homeless, lonely, depressed and disengaged from society. The home-cooked healthy dinner we provide is a means of building community spirit and to provide a warm, safe place for people to gather together, to eat and share together – without prejudice or judgement.

ADRA Community Care
Location: Warburton
The Redwood Community Centre aims to provide support to families and individuals experiencing hardship in the upper Yarra Valley community of Warburton and surrounds. The Centre provides programs to teach young people inter-personal and life skills. Our mission is to identify and address the social and emotional needs of our community through sustainable service provision and programs. The Centre directly liaises with other local agencies and programs to ensure a comprehensive and collaborative approach to services.
For more information visit: www.redwoodcentre.org.au

Emergency Relief
Op Shops
Upcoming Events
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