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Adrian Peterson will  be working with Burwood Church as the assistant pastor, working primarily with children and teens. His wife, Lyndelle is also a pastor and is a departmental director for the Australian Union Conference.
Adrian is super passionate about working with teens, being a bit of a big kid himself, and loves spending countless hours assembling Star Wars Lego, playing in the cubby with his one year old daughter and watching cartoons!
When she finished school, Rose Andrykanus did not have a plan. Liking science, she started a Bachelor of Science, did honours and found a research assistant position with one of her professors. She loved her work, but now sees it was too good for her! God caught her attention with a volunteer role with ADRA in Laos. Isolated from all she knew, she learnt dependence on God. Returning home and still unsure of what she was ‘supposed’ to be, she completed a grad dip. in Ministry and Theology, and commenced working with Lilydale Church.