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Be Inspired and equipped. Join the movement.

Over 2000 years ago, Jesus commissioned His disciples to go to all the world with the Gospel. He promised that when this Gospel had gone to the world, He would return. The millennia have now passed, and Jesus has not yet returned; the work is not yet finished. We believe God’s passion for the salvation of the world has not changed. Now, more than ever before, it’s time for us to seek personal spiritual revival; a fresh and dynamic understanding of our identity in Christ. It’s time for us to make His mission, our mission. Jesus will return when the mission of His Great Commission is complete. This is who we are. This is why we exist. This is Adventist Youth for Christ.  A weekend convention filled with Dynamic speakers, inspiring and challenging messages, powerful testimonies and exciting workshops.


Early bird pricing ends 30 September, first 200 early birds registrants receive free gift.

Early birds adults 18+: $185

Early birds 13 – 18: $105 (Chaperone required)

Kids 6 – 12 (Early bird only) $53 (Chaperone required)

Registration + information: