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Psalms 91:1-2

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High

Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress;

My God, in Him I will trust.”

At least an hour’s drive from Melbourne, in the upper Yarra region, is the Abide wellness centre. The facility is more than just a wellness centre, and health spa. Situated in a quiet alcove within the Black Spur region, it is an ongoing outreach site for the Madison Mission movement. This is a ministry, which aims to spread the word of the gospel through literature evangelism and medical missionary work.

The Madison Mission Team is a vivacious community of young Adventists, working persistently to further the goal of sustaining the Three Angel’s Message and promoting wellbeing and health. As a site for the retreat and Maker Heals health program, to the maintenance of the organic garden and orchards; there is potential for much work, for those who have the persistence and drive to see the ministry flourish. With the property currently under new management, the team at Abide works together like a church family, to effectively face the current circumstance with fortitude and daily prayer.

When the restrictions hit, the closure of the main health retreat meant that visitors to Abide were unable to access its facilities. Staff and volunteers looked to other ways to keep the mission and vision alive. Presently, they aim to look after the property through self-sustaining business enterprises and farm work.

Like the early Waldensians, the team of Madison Missions endeavours to encourage community connections and outreach in a way that once saw the creation of the Madison college, during Ellen White’s lifetime. The work of the Madison Missions team is  driven by its volunteer program. It works to share the gospel by engaging in active mission work.

Before the restrictions in Victoria began- in early July, the team at Abide ran a unique Maker Heals health program. This involved fasting and spiritual camaraderie aimed to promote healing. In line with the previous restrictions for regional Victoria, the program catered to 16 participants over a 10-day program.

As Adventists we are impressed by the Holy spirit, to be a living witness for Jesus’s ministry, and stand apart from the world. The apostle Peter reminds us of this message:

But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asked you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.  (1 Peter 3:15)

Often, we can simply do this by going the extra mile to lend a hand, and through passing on the spirit of peace that comes with a deeper relationship with God; even in these uncertain times.

The team prays for opportunities to witness and share their ministry in everyday work. Our arborist Tim Hopkins has experienced various opportunities to share his faith on the job. He feels blessed for the chance to share his faith to those who may be interested.

When on the job Tim has had the opportunity to meet others in Christ and share the Adventist message. While working, he was able to provide additional support to a beehive client and could talk to him on a more personal level.

“ I was so thankful to make a new friend and be encouraged by a fellow brother in Christ. He thanked me so much for delivering the wood right where he wanted it and how it saved him a few extra hours of work”.

We pray for opportunities to share the gospel. The  underlying aim of this mission is to see more young people working in evangelism and finding their passion in God’s work. Through the ministry, the team aims to eventually set up a training centre at the Narbethong site; to use it as a base for fostering youth and literature evangelism. This school would work according to the principles of a bible-based education as endorsed by the teachings of Ellen white in her book ‘The Review and Herald’ (1908).

The true object of education is to restore the image of God in the soul. The first and most precious knowledge is the knowledge of Christ…”

The Madison mission team facilitates the Eastward movement through a Bible-based health program, youth ministry, literature evangelism and its beehive franchise. This includes a food delivery business, a roadhouse, and an onsite organic farm. With multiple projects presently in incubation , the team is hopeful for the future of the property.

As restrictions eventually ease,  staff and volunteers push on to continue making the most of the challenge lying ahead.

The church family that lives and works at Abide asks for your prayers. To find out more about the work at Abide– visit the Madison’s Mission’s website.