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“And this great love is demonstrated when a person sacrifices his life for his friends.” John 15:13 (TPT)

For Australians and New Zealanders, April 25, Anzac Day, holds a special place in our collective hearts. Each year we stop on this day to thank those who have sacrificed their lives to defend our freedom. 

As a school, we came together to hold an Anzac service. Our Primary Captains explained the tradition of commemorating the original Gallipoli campaign in 1915 – an event that has helped shape the Australian identity. “Anzac Day is not to celebrate or glorify war, but rather to remember those who have served our country during conflict and crisis.

Our Secondary Captains led us in reciting The Ode. Our Spiritual Captains, Ava, Claire, Hannah and Hans, lay beautiful, hand-made fresh wreaths to honour those who have lost their lives. Our Chaplain, Pr Simon Hutton, told the story of his grandfather and proudly wore his medals for bravery and service.

The beautiful baritone voice of one of our College parents delivered “Amazing Grace” and we were reminded of the greatest sacrifice – Jesus Christ who gave His life for all, so we could have eternal life and eternal freedom. 

We feel blessed and grateful to live in Australia, with freedom to speak and worship as we are convicted; grateful also for the freedom to have a Christian education and to have choices for work and study. This is a privilege afforded to us by the actions of past generations. 

Our school was also represented on Sunday, 25 April, at the local Blackburn Anzac morning service by the Secondary Captains and Vice-Captains.