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In December 2018, Bairnsdale church with ADRA and Gems’n’Jams (G&J) Op Shop began a new outreach, Food & Friendship (F&F).

Volunteers took clients round a large room on the church property as they selected what they needed of food and care items. Then they sat around tables enjoying a generous morning tea while more volunteers mingled, listening and helping them start friendly conversations.  Soon numbers at F&F grew as it helped people suffering due to drought in the region.

Then came severe bushfires in December 2019 and January 2020 causing such distress.  There were more volunteers by then, including some who’d initially been clients at F&F.  Many who went there felt the warmth of non-judgemental acceptance and opened their hearts with their stories.  Some received help from G&J with clothing, bedding, kitchenware and food.  There was even a homeless man who was sleeping in his car and gladly took a tent and warmer clothing, insisting that was all he wanted!  People who’d lost their homes in the bushfires had many social and health needs and were cared for by ADRA Australia.

Even before COVID-19’s impact, ADRA had been working with the Shire, so as the virus spread, they nominated ADRA to be linked with the COVID hotline for those needing deliveries of food and care parcels.  Currently ADRA has a large delivery service throughout the Shire as well as operating its food pantry two days a week, one day dedicated to those affected by drought and bushfire.  There’s an average of 530 people receiving support each week.

Comments  such as “Thank you so much for your kindness and care. Without this support our family would not eat,” are often received.  Two people said, “ Without your support emotionally, and the food and friendship you give, we would not be alive.”  A lady and her daughter cried while telling how much the support and care meant to them after so many recent tragedies in their lives.  They were so touched by the caring and empathic volunteers who listened to their stories.
Those who come and collect their supplies walk across to G&J , the only Op Shop to remain open in the district.  This was due to the large premises allowing social distancing and being able to sell (or give away) food and essential items.

Graeme and Rubon

Christian literature has always been  readily available at the Op shop and the demand has been higher.  With local libraries closed people needed reading material.  Free books, magazines and Bibles were in high demand, especially children’s Bibles.  Bibles continue to be donated by church members and other groups.  Signs magazines went out from G&J and many that couldn’t be taken into nursing homes were posted to people.
Regulars who have attended F&F from early times keep coming.  Like Graeme and Ruben who were queuing recently.  They are grateful for the help they get and look forward to restrictions ending so they can once again enjoy the companionship of friends.  People have been drawn to God and some, after having Bible studies, were baptised in January.   More are showing interest in the Gospel now.

Praise God, for using the church members foresight many years ago when they purchased their property in Bairnsdale, and for guiding them in their use of it, so that has and is continuing to be a safe haven in the many storms that have blown over the region.

Alan Walker, Don Auld and Antonia Sant in the packing shed