Pathfinders have been meeting every fortnight on a Tuesday and are having lots of fun. They do a range of activities including badminton, ten pin bowling, projects such as glass craft and drawing, and learning about endangered animals, worms, and learning CPR and first aid. They also meet monthly on a Saturday afternoon along with the Adventurers and have been exploring what to do when you get lost, hiking rules and map and compass work.
Over the ANZAC long weekend our Pathfinders travelled to Whroo State Forest (near Rushworth) and joined other clubs from across Victoria to have a PathFUNder camp together. They were challenged by the speaker, Pr Dave Leo, to be Mountain Movers and grow their faith every day. They had fun doing a range of activities and games throughout the weekend. On the Sunday our club completed an amazing race style challenge and finished first, solving the final riddle to each receive their own VicYouth cap.
Pr Eric Johnson
Ballarat Church