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The Abide Wellness Retreat are excited to announce that we are expanding! Due to the COVID-19 restrictions and not being allowed to have people come to our centre to provide a place for learning about and developing a wholistic lifestyle, we are wanting to offer an element of the retreat to the public through our healthy meal delivery service. The skills between our busy Beehive Services team are broad, so the results can be great. With amazing cooks, agriculture enthusiasts, web developers, handymen and more we are excited to have more time to offer these skills to the broader public.

What Are We Offering?
To start with we are offering contactless home delivered meals to Melbourne’s Eastern suburbs, such as lasagne and roast veggies, Asian stir fried noodles and more. With a dessert option of sweet potato brownies, apple turnovers, or different flavoured protein balls. A picture is louder than words, so if you’re mouth is not watering like mine yet, head over to our vibrant, easy to use website to place your order today
Other services will include being able to order fresh garden produce to supplement your own cooking. Or even buy a load of wood to keep you warm this winter!
We aim for the services we are offering to be cost effective, good quality, delicious, fresh, local, personal, practical, while still being focused on mental, physical and spiritual health.

Our Goals
Our goals during this COVID-19 pandemic are simply to:
– Expand into new fields
– To provide helpful and necessary services
– Be there for those around us

Caring for YOUR Health
Whether it can be through a healthy meal, practical help, wood to keep you warm or general support, we are keen to be of service.
If you are wanting to avoid shopping centres, low on time, not feeling motivated to cook or looking for a healthy food takeaway alternative. Young or older, working or studying, parents or single, this is for YOU!

We hope you can get as excited as we are with this new opportunity and are able to share the news with friends and family. More information can be found on our website (, FB (@beehiveservicestoyou) and Insta (@beehiveservices).
There are a few ways you can support this new venture: order some of the delicious meals for yourself, share our facebook page with friends in the area, like our posts, and most importantly pray for us as we reach out into our community and seek to share Christ’s love with those who we interact with.