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Ps 5 3.  My voice you shall hear in the morning. Oh lord.  In the morning I will direct it to you and I will look up.

There is something about the morning time.  Remember the manna fell in the morning  and when the sun came up the manna would melt.  In other words there was a window of time in the morning in which the Israelites could get their food.  There is that window for us every single day in the quiet of the morning that we can spend time with God in prayer.  Because as the sun comes up we find the cares of this life and its responsibilities will tend to crowd out our prayer time.  This is from steps to Christ p 70 “Consecrate yourself to God in the morning.  Make this your very first work.  Let your prayer be ‘Take me oh Lord as holy Thine.  I lay all my plans at Thy feet.  Use me today in Thy service.  Abide with me and let all my work be wrought in Thee.

“This is a daily prayer.  Each morning consecrate yourself to God for that day.  Surrender all your plans to Him to be carried out or to be given up as his providence shall indicate. Thus day by day you may be giving you life into the hands of God and thus your life will be molded more and more after the life of Christ.”

So when you get up in the morning consecrate yourself to God for that day.  You may have done that at your baptism you may had done that last week.  But this is a daily matter.

You say “Lord I am yours today.  I give you my heart.  Today.”

This is an important principle to begin you day with God and to consecrate yourself to Him.


David Shin is a pastor in America. Twelve months ago, he preached on prayer life in Quarantine. His message is just as relevant today… His sermons can be heard on Faith FM and the AudioVerse podcast.
You can read this full transcript prepared and edited by IntraVic here .