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If it Escalates

Given the seriousness of this virus I think Big Camp should be cancelled. We don’t know whether the Corona virus will have escalated significantly by the time Big Camp is due to be held. God Bless you and those responsible for making the decision,

Not Worth it

The risk is too great. If an out break occurred we would not only suffer the consequences but would receive unfavourable news coverage.   Knowing it would disappoint many people including my family, it would be wise to cancel Camp over Easter.

A Tough Call

It’s a tough decision as there was no camp last year, but the best decision would be not to hold big camp this year due to the Corona virus situation. So many people congregating in the one location with camping hygiene would be a concern.

Blown Out of Perspective?

Yes Big Camp should go ahead – with the understanding that older people and babies/immune supressed people maybe in a more vulnerable position than the rest of us.  However, the media has blown this all out of perspective…would you cancel it for the flu??

A Greater Burden

We love Big Camp. We really missed it last year & were looking forward to it this year. However, I believe a lot of people won’t come anyway under the circumstances therefore making it also a larger financial burden on the conference. I also have serious...

Numbers Could be Down

I have heard discussions of members who have planned to attend big camp considering not going due to the virus. I believe if costs can be saved, do so. The likely poor turnout will be a shame and I believe the funds could be saved and better spent for a future...