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Summer Camps 2021

Summer Camps 2021

Your flaws aren’t preventing God from using you, so who or what is going to define your worth? Choose Joy. What an incredible three weeks it was at Summer Camp! I would like to firstly praise God for allowing Summer Camps at Howqua to happen in 2021, even amongst the...
No Dust, No Wind, No Rain!

No Dust, No Wind, No Rain!

Uncertainty seems to be a major feature of our lives these days. Borders open. Borders closed. Churches closed. Churches open. Masks off. Masks on. Trips away. Rush to get back to Victoria. Anxious waiting for the rules to change so people can come home for those who...
Converge 2021

Converge 2021

In spite of the uncertainty organisers faced, they forged ahead with plans for the sixth annual Converge Festival, held at Stuart’s Point, NSW at the beginning of February.  They felt especially blessed by God, when, Friday morning, masks were no longer...
Breaking News!

Breaking News!

This week at AdventCare Whitehorse, our residents were further protected from infection with COVID-19 as our aged care facility was one of twenty chosen to be among the first to receive the vaccinations this week.  The rollout at this stage will be for the residents...
Ministers Meetings 2021

Ministers Meetings 2021

Yes, our ministers were able to meet, within guidelines, for their first session of ministers meetings in the second week of February for professional development.  “This was the first time we had been together, face to face, since the same meetings twelve...