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Steve’s Story

Steve’s Story

Steve Munsuang was born in Myanmar, a son of a Seventh-day Adventist preacher and teacher of the Gospel. He is now a ministerial intern, working with Ringwood Church. Here is his testimony. I was born to a Seventh-day Adventist family and as a son of a preacher and...
The Hunter Chronicles

The Hunter Chronicles

Tony Knight and Amanda Bew’s Hunter Chronicles are now available as audiobooks.  Well, the first two volumes are and Tony is currently working on the remainder. Each volume in The Hunter Chronicles series unpacks seven great teachings from the Bible. The...
Welcome to the Team

Welcome to the Team

Pr Laien Hao made the move to Australia after receiving a call to serve in Gateway Adventist Church. He has previously served as youth director and regional director for the Chinese Union in Hong Kong. He is passionate about sharing the gospel and especially in...
Youth Ministry in a Pandemic

Youth Ministry in a Pandemic

For the past 5-ish months, VicYouth has been continuing to minister in unprecedented territory! As a department, we minister to, serve and connect young people through events, which we have not been able to do in-person since lockdowns began in mid-March. The forced...
Church is still Happening – Warragul and Longwarry

Church is still Happening – Warragul and Longwarry

Have you given any thought to how our country churches are coping with the ever changing status of restrictions?  In that brief hiatus of ‘freedom’ we had, some of the churches with memberships small enough were able to carry on as ‘usual’. ...
Smarter than She Knew

Smarter than She Knew

All her life, Karren had been told she had a disability and no one trusted her to make decisions.  Get told you are not smart enough often enough and you’ll believe it. As a result, Karren did not learn to read or write,  and believing she was not smart enough,...