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Christian Car Enthusiasts

Christian Car Enthusiasts

An Adventist Car Club was something that I had been thinking about for some time now, there are so many Adventist car enthusiasts that I know of, but no community for them to gather around. I guess it depends on where you live, or church you might go to for example....
Church is Still Happening

Church is Still Happening

Lilydale Church is alive and well, despite not being able to meet together.  As with most of our churches, the admin side has continued thanks to platforms such as zoom.  Here is some of what the rest of Lilydale has been doing! Church – online church services...
In the Right Place…

In the Right Place…

“Help! Help!” Not something you hear every day… Not very loud… Jacqui and I were busy talking as we came over the hill on our morning walk. A day off work for me to spend with Jacqui celebrating her finishing her first Semester of Uni. She was joining me...
West Melbourne Help

West Melbourne Help

My name is Lydia Graham.  My sister Victoria (Buchla) Rasekaba and I started the charity West Melbourne Help in late March, in response to the Covid-19 crisis.  We were so concerned about the fact that people were losing their jobs and would be out of money,...
Pavilions Update

Pavilions Update

Pavilions Blackburn Lake Retirement Village Update Progress on this project is continuing to move forward quickly.  All three buildings of Stage 1 are weeks away from reaching lockup. The prototype apartment was completed early June  and the builder provided a...
Nearing Completion

Nearing Completion

The Werribee Church building project, which is the newest church building in the Victorian Conference, is nearing completion. This project has been six years in the making, after Werribee Church was earmarked as a strategic kingdom growth redevelopment project.  It...