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VAAS – Victorian Adventist Adult Singles

VAAS – Victorian Adventist Adult Singles

All individuals are equal in God’s sight. This individuality is precious. It is often on single people that many of the great enterprises are built. Singleness is not a problem to God and should not be to the church. There is nothing in scripture or in psychology to...
We Lost Them…

We Lost Them…

Literature Evangelists News It was hard to walk away from our inspirational LE Summit untouched. I just wanted to distribute even more literature and purposed in my heart to give away all the Signs that would fit in my handbag and the copy of Desire of Ages gifted to...
Congratulations to the Gilson College Community

Congratulations to the Gilson College Community

This year Gilson College reached a milestone, on Saturday 20th October the College celebrated 30 years of providing Christian Education to the community. Gilson College began with fifty students in 1988 and has grown to more than 1200 students spanning over two...