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Sabbath the 20th January was celebration time for the Bairnsdale Church family as we witnessed the baptism of Lita Vaipo, an affirmation of faith taken by Paul Breheny, and welcomed them both into membership.
A while ago Paul heard on our local Faith FM radio a discussion on the Seventh-day Sabbath. A baptised born-again Christian, he was sure the Adventists had “got it wrong” but after studying it, he realised that they had it right. Or rather, God’s word has it right.
So Paul sought out our church and began attending. His musical gifts of playing guitar and singing have already enriched our services and everyone was happy to make it official that he is now part of the Seventh-day Adventist world-wide family.

Our lovely lady Lita has been attending church for some months and studying with Pastor Andrew Wilson and Ann Burns. She has had many struggles in the past but once she began to seek God in His word she enthusiastically sought to know more and to do His will.
Now she has the peace of God and a Christian experience that inspired her when she first saw it lived out in the lives of some good friends years ago. Those friends came to Bairnsdale to see her give her public commitment to God.
We also had another reason for rejoicing back in December when we read one day in our local paper about the achievements of three of our young people.
One was Anna, daughter of Pr Andrew and Leisa Wilson, who was chosen to be this year’s school captain at Bairnsdale High School. Another was thirteen year old Aron Prez who won an award for his saxophone playing skills. Then there was Laura Firus, Dux of the Swifts Creek High School. Achieving high marks like she did runs in the family as she has older siblings who have also done very well. But perhaps an even greater accolade was reported in the local paper, where the Principal described her as approaching every aspect of school life with courage, joy and kindness.
We know and appreciate the efforts that all the children and young people make to find and use their talents for God.

Judy Walker