The focus of Children’s Ministries is to connect children to a life-long, loving relationship with Jesus and His Church through discipleship, worship, community, service, stewardship and outreach.
We are here to help
Jesus welcomed children, told us to become like them and warned us against causing these precious little people to stumble.
If God places such importance on children, shouldn’t we, as adults and leaders in our church families?
This department is here to help you equip your children to be lifelong disciples of Jesus; to help you support them in making a faith decision.
Click and explore the relevant sections below for resources to assist you in this.
Resources for:
(click to view)
Sabbath School Teacher
Parent / Carer
The Victorian Children’s Ministry Department aims to train, resource and empower parents and church leaders to disciple their children for Jesus. Child safety is one of our core values. We aim to ensure the physcial and emotional safety of every child in any of our programmes.
Pr Uili Mauga

Contact US
Shonet Heath
Departmental Assistant