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Zoom is helping church members stay in touch at Bairnsdale Church.   Some members have been inviting friends or neighbours to join them, as they worship God.  There is Friday evening Vespers, Sabbath services, and Wednesday evening prayer, song and social time.

Those who cannot get Zoom have been receiving their magazines and Sabbath School pamphlets delivered to their homes.

Recently Women’s Ministries started meeting via Zoom. Individually they read a Bible study and then discuss those chapters on Zoom, as well as listen to music and have prayer (and fasting for those who can do it safely). Older ladies are mentoring new believers.

In East Gippsland there’s a charity called Steers for Students. Tertiary and University students are financially helped from the money the sale of the cattle.  Steers are on farms in the district and the Charity also agist their cattle in some of the Bairnsdale church paddocks. Representatives of Steers for Students were recently interviewed on Channel 9 TV.

Another part of the property is leased to the recently opened Hope Restart Centre. They rehabilitate drug addicts and are managed by the non-profit Odyssey House, overseen by a local Board.  At present there are about 17 clients with a capacity for 50. T he numbers grow each week as COVID restrictions ease.  The centre aims to enable people to return to the community having learned practical skills which will help them gain a sense of self worth and employment.

In summary, together Bairnsdale church is sharing the Gospel and making a difference in people’s lives.