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Yes, Church is still happening.  Each Sabbath, like most churches, we are having Zoom worship services. Here in the north-east of the state, we are having a single Combined worship Sabbath School and Worship service, but we end it with a twist. After the service, those who would like to leave can, as we arrange the others into Zoom Breakout Rooms. A leader in each room has a list of suggested questions about the sermon topic and the questions are discussed in the groups. Following the discussions, they can close with prayer and leave, or stay and chat. We have found this to be a really great way for those who need a little more contact or connection each week to remain connected with each other. We have found that at times, some people can be found still chatting for up to an hour after the service! It’s been one way that we have been able to have our Zoom worship seem more “personal” and numbers each week are growing.

David Maxwell