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When Victoria was reeling over what has been happening these last few months, some of the Dareton Church members were feeling a disconnectedness at not being able to worship in church.  I gather that this sentiment was shared by a lot of other church families.

Having the means to connect in to a Zoom Sabbath School study, or watch a recorded or livestreamed sermon is not an option for the greatest majority of our Dareton members.  Some have 3ABN and Hope channels to listen in to, which is great, but we needed to explore the ways we could unite within 2020’s Covid climate.

We found spending some time on Sabbath engaged in over-the-phone studies a very practical and easy way to connect.  This has grown to be a really enjoyable experience and we currently have three small groups happening on those mornings.

It was a case of trial and error to start with, while we contended with reception issues and audio challenges, but thanks to the patience and perseverance of the members, the studies are rolling out much more smoothly.

Some members have opted to follow the Discovery Bible Readings method of studying (btw, I readily recommend this style of study, it is so inclusive of all in the small group context).  To be able to participate and contribute was a priority that has paid off well in fostering a stronger sense of togetherness.  Another group opted to spend time going through the Sabbath School lesson.  Why? Simply because they could.

There is a greater sense of community and engagement now, because we can talk to and discuss the Bible with a group of people, as if we were sitting around a table together.  Just hearing each other’s voices buoys the spirits.  We spend time catching up with how each other went during the week, before starting our study time, and we have invited regular ‘guests’ from the Mildura church and really appreciate sharing the time with them.

This form of connecting has led on to a mid-week over-the-phone Spiritual Gifts workshop, which happened over the space of three weeks and we have another group that will be starting in these workshops over the next few days.

We praise God for the blessing of being a part of His family, for friends and that even though times are challenging, we can continue to trust in Him, knowing that He will carry His people through to the end.

Connie Toga