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Our church family is coping very well in this current situation  despite all the restrictions.

The Lord opens opportunities to minister our members as well as our community.  Like most churches, we are worshipping online.  Before level 4 lockdown, we  were streaming from our church using Facebook and YouTube.  During this time, we just use Streamyard and zoom and broadcast it via Facebook and Youtube.  We have a lot of viewers, not just our members but people from other countries as well.

We are also hosting a nightly zoom family worship to catch up with church members and study the quarterly lesson together.  We conclude our meeting with prayer bands in breakup rooms.  People are eager to participate in the discussion and apply what they learnt, especially in witnessing and service as that is what our lesson focuses on this quarter.   Some even want to start a small group of their own, which i find exciting, praise the Lord.

Our young people have embraced their weekly meetings and catch up, studying the Bible together and serving our community in Dandenong.  We have Dandenong café which runs every Friday evening in the heart Dandenong City.  People are flocking to have hot meals and some groceries for their family needs and praise God, Dandenong community is incredibly happy in this ministry.  Our young people and adults are working side by side and this program runs very well. Thanks for the church support financially and the support provided by ADRA as well.

The church plant team  meets weekly and its programs are running very well.  We have quite number of contacts interested in joining our Church plant group and we are so excited to be officially running a worship service next month (October, online) Praise the Lord.

While we are looking forward to this lockdown ending, we will continue our nightly family worship online as a whole for coaching and mentoring, and meeting in small groups in our own homes with our own contacts and friends.  That is so exciting.   Dandenong café will continue to run to serve the community and create more contacts and interest for Bible studies.  And our Church plant will continue to run and grow as meet weekly at Selandra Community Hub for worship and community events.

All the glory to God as our supreme leader of our Church community.

Praise God.

Jezreel Locop