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During the lockdown, Maryborough members have primarily focused on their Good Samaritan program where they hand out food bags weekly.  Due to the fact that most of the church there is elderly, the pastor, Marius Jigau has not been able to zoom for church meetings.  However due to the fact that it is a small church, they have been still able to experience some sense of community in small groups while distributing the food.

When the lockdowns eased slightly a few months ago they were able to resume church as relatively normal (without potluck) for a while, which was really appreciated.

Members are keeping in contact, and as a number of them have needed help during this time, the pastor has been able to visit and provide help and still remain within the Covid guidelines.

They are all looking forward to the next step, as even an allowance of 10/20 to gather inside would mean they could start things back as before (within guidelines!)