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We thank God for His blessings in disguise during these hard times.  Our Werribee Karen Church (Company) could worship with Zoom and Live-streaming like other churches. God wonderfully provided us with one Of our church leaders (our church youth leader, Thu Ra Tun) who could operate all the online devices.

He connected us with interstate youth as well as leaders of the churches From Myanmar to join together for AY programs.  Pastors from Myanmar are requested to preach in vespers and prayer meetings via Zoom and our church members are really pleased to hear the messages in our own Language.

Satan worked hard to discourage us by allowing four members of Thu Ra Tun’s family to test positive with Coronavirus.  But God didn’t forsake us.  All our Church programs were continuously running without interruption during their Illness and now they are all back at work and healthy, praise God.

Moreover, during this pandemic time I could preach every week with both Karen and Burmese  languages online which reached thousands of people around the world!

We received many comments and feel really good to serve the Lord in this way.

We are so happy to see that all our church members are healthy and happy during this time.  We connect together by messenger and Zoom regularly.  We even have more Bible studies classes, especially the Children who are helped by their parents and siblings.

Thank you Lord!

Pr Nan Myat Kyaw