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Andrew Wilson’s ordination took place at Bairnsdale in early March. Unlike Quinten, Andrew grew up in a non-Christian home and rarely even considered God’s existence, although he did wonder what life was about, if there was something more to it and what happened after death.

In his early twenties, he started a business breaking and training horses. In the process, he met a Seventh-day Adventist family with three young girls. As he worked with their horses, they often spoke about Jesus coming back, asking him if he would be ready. Eventually Andrew asked the parents where the girls got these ideas from. They showed him Signs of the Times, Luke 21 and Matthew 24. Slowly his interest grew – the Bible gave him understandable and reasonable answers to questions that had plagued him. Eventually he made the decision to be baptised.
Passionate about reaching others with the good news of the Gospel, Andrew attended Bible studies with other believers, rejoicing to see several people accept Christ through their service. Fortunately for Andrew, one of those people was his wife, Leisa!
Andrew and Leisa were settled in Wangaratta, with two children and were involved in the local church when Andrew first heard God’s call to ministry. He remembers thinking “Surely not – you couldn’t be that desperate!” He felt so underqualified but he and Leisa discussed it and prayed about it (he hoping it was just in his imagination!). The conviction deepened. He called the President of the Conference and discussed it with him. Shortly afterwards, he was invited to become a lay-minister, working with Horsham and Nhill churches.
Reluctantly the family moved to Horsham where they were welcomed and made to feel a valuable part of their church congregations. And there has been no looking back. Andrew has found ministry to be a rewarding, challenging ant at times exhausting role, but credits God working through him and to his surprise, finds people blessed by his work. Many times Andrew has reminded God that this was HIS idea, and God has not let him down, constantly upholding, strengthening and guiding him.
Andrew is currently based in Bairnsdale, serving Bairnsdale, Sale and Cann River.