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Quinten Liebrandt was ordained in February at Warburton Church. Born into a third generation Adventist family in South Africa, his life revolved around church. He fondly remembers spending the whole Sabbath at church, with church lunch after the service, followed by afternoon meetings and socials in the evening. His father was a

professional musician and music was a large part of family life and worship.
He attended church school and from a young age was torn between becoming an architect or a pastor. While remaining active in church leadership and outreach, Quinten chose to be an architect. His love for and faith in God remained unswerving, but as a young adult he became disillusioned with the human side of the church and left, endeavouring to continue to serve the Lord on the outside.

But God was having none of this and audibly spoke to him while he was on an early morning run. “Go back!” Not knowing where this would leave, none the less Quinten obeyed. As he did again when he felt impressed that God wanted him to move to Australia.
Initially he worked in a small practice in Geelong, designing many prominent developments before forming his own practice. He immersed himself again in church life and

while serving as head elder, was invited to become a bi-vocational minister. After much prayer and discussion with family and church leadership, he was left with no doubt God had indeed called him to ministry.
Quinten has served Colac, Wangaratta and Benalla churches as well as in Geelong, and now works with Warburton Church. He has appreciated the influence and role different elders and church members have played in supporting and shaping his ministry. He has also found his architectural background useful in ministry in a practical way but also creatively and being able to encourage lateral thinking. He believes it is a privilege to serve God in ministry and enjoys working with people of all ages. His passion is to lead people to an authentic spiritual relationship with Jesus. His greatest joy is to be a part of someone’s journey in accepting Christ as their personal Saviour and commit to following Him.