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COVID-19 and social distancing are having a very significant impact on human’s emotion and mental wellbeing at these times. Study shows, led by Dr. Simon Williams, public health researcher at Swansea University, in collaboration with Dr. Kimberly Dienes and Professor Christopher Armitage of The University of Manchester’s Centre for Health Psychology, and Dr. Tova Tampe, an independent consultant at the World Health Organization that, “Social distancing is leading to heightened feelings of anxiety and depression amongst the general public.”

One sabbath day (pre- pandemic), as part of the main worship in the Filipino church, they asked for prayer requests from the congregation. A visitor stood up and in his wavering voice he asked that the church pray for his son in the hospital, who had attempted to end it all, suffering severe depression.  And not only that, but one of his friends had recently done the same.  Depression is prevalent.

The “general public” could mean someone in your family, your circle of friends, your colleagues, a stranger that you meet on your afternoon walk, your neighbour… the list goes on.
Depression IS real. And since this has become a reality amongst our community, have youever wondered howyou  can help?  Have we ever wondered how to support those who struggle more than you do?

Depression and Anxiety Recovery Program Training is at hand. We invite you to register and be trained.

Who knows, your training could save the life of someone you know and someone you love.

Register Here

Current registration fees (Early Bird) will last until July 5.
• Associate Director- $600
• Associate Director Upgrade – $350
• Facilitator – $275
• Facilitator Upgrade- $75
• Licence Recertification – $50
From July 6, Registration fees will be:
• Associate Director- from $625
• Associate Director Upgrade – $375
• Facilitator – $300
• Facilitator Upgrade- $90

For any more queries, email  pastor Andrew Jasper the Health, Personal Ministries Director and DARP Trainer.