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Digital Image Collection and Usage Policy

Communications Department for Victorian Conference (and its Departments) Digital Image Collection and Usage Policy

For all Conference run events where collection of *digital images and/or **livestreaming is required there are official ***photographers.  

Collection of digital Images

Official ****Conference photographers must be registered by the Communications Department, whether they are appointed by the Communications Department , another department or are a member of Conference staff.  They will be issued with and must wear in a visible fashion, an identifying lanyard with ID and sign the Photographer’s Agreement which states the appropriate collection of digital images, their processing where requested, and subsequent disposal.

People manning video cameras do not require registering or an ID as they do not have access to the files and should they be behaving inappropriately with the camera, the switcher would instantly shut it down.  The Media Producer will not require WWC certificates from the team, however will be careful and sensitive in selecting those chosen, in discussion with the Communications Team and Conference Secretary as necessary. 

Collection of digital Images supplied by local churches for use by a Conference department

Where a local church supplies digital images to a department, the onus is on the local church to be compliant with its own privacy policy.  The department will request confirmation that they comply and keep a record of their compliance.

Collection of digital Images supplied by local churches and Conference departments for use by the Communications Department

Where a local church supplies digital images to the Communications Department, the onus is on the local church to be compliant with its own privacy policy.  The Communications Department will request confirmation that they comply and keep a record of their compliance.

Where another department supplied digital images to the Communications Department, it is understood that the supplying department is compliant with Privacy and Collection Policies.

Processing and storage of digital images

All digital images will be processed and edited in a professional and respectful manner, as spelt out in the guidelines.  It will be the collecting department’s responsibility to ensure that third parties recruited to assist with processing comply.  It will also be the collecting department’s responsibility to ensure that all third parties delete the digital images from their personal storage devices after transferring them back to the department.

All departments will store their digital images in secure locations.

Permission for collection and use of digital images and livestreaming

Permission to Record

Where livestreaming and video recording is taking place, the presenter, the singers and musicians and those presenting unique material (such as special items, skits, recitations, testimonies etc) must have signed Permission to Record forms before the event for streaming and filming to take place.  These are to be obtained by the department organising the event and stored for their records.  The department must also notify the Media Content Producer that permission has been granted.

Where Registration is Required

Permission is obtained during the registration process, where it is to be clearly stated on the application form or in the online registration that:

Print: Official Conference photographers are at this event and will be collecting digital images (photos and/or video footage) to be used in an appropriate manner by the Conference (and its departments} in print, online and in social media, for the purpose of sharing spiritual encouragement and news and for promotional purposes.  Livestreaming of programs may also take place, whereby the presentation is made available live for immediate viewing.  By signing this application form you are consenting to this.  Should this pose a significant problem for you or your family, please contact <relevant departmental staff/Camp office> or in the case of VicYouth registration, I/we acknowledge that video footage, photographs and/or digital images may be taken of participants during <event> and these may be used during the program and I/we consent to release them to promote future VicYouth/Victorian Conference ministries and events.

Online: Official Conference photographers are at this event and will be collecting digital images (photos and/or video footage) to be used in an appropriate manner by the Conference and its departments, in print, online and in social media, for the purpose of sharing spiritual encouragement and news and for promotional purposes.  Livestreaming of programs may also take place, whereby the presentation is made available live for immediate viewing.  By checking this box you are consenting to this (Registration does not proceed without this check).  Should this pose a significant problem for you or your family, please contact <relevant departmental email>.

Or in the case of VicYouth online  registration   I/we acknowledge that video footage, photographs and/or digital images may be taken of participants during <event> and these may be used during the program and I/we consent to release them to promote future VicYouth/Victorian Conference ministries and events.  .  By checking this box you are consenting to this (Registration does not proceed without this check).  Should this pose a significant problem for you or your family, please contact <VicYouth  email>.

Note re if an applicant has a legitimate problem: a red lanyard will be provided by the relevant department, to be worn clearly and visibly (onus is on the individual to comply), to indicate to the official photographers that this person is not to be photographed.  Where children are involved, due to inherent difficulties with compliance, the department will notify the photographer and the child/ren’s parent/guardian, who will be asked to notify the coordinator of the event their child/ren will be attending.  Should the person believe they have been inadvertently photographed, they are at liberty to request the photographer check.  Photographers will been advised to do so and delete if the person is in the image.  The individuals are also to be advised to sit out of range of the video cameras to avoid being captured in the livestream/video recording.

Posters will be displayed at the venue stating that there are official photographers at the event, the purpose for digital image collection and that livestreaming may occur.  The posters will include a QR code to the Conference Privacy Policy and Standard Collection Notice.

Where Registration is NOT Required

Bulletin notice: The fortnight before the event, a notice is put in 1VICON: This is to advise that the <name of department> will be livestreaming <event> on <date> and notify parents of minors who will be in attendance of this.  Should this be a problem, attendees are advised to sit out of range of the cameras.

Posters will be displayed at the venue stating that there are official photographers at the event, the purpose for digital image collection and that livestreaming may occur.  The posters will include a QR code to the Conference Privacy Policy and Standard Collection Notice.

Announcements may also be made from the front of the venue or by a slide on the screen.

Registering Process for Photographers:

All ***photographers must be registered by the Communications Department, whether they are appointed by the Communications Department , another department or are a member of Conference staff. 

Staff registration for directors, associate directors and PAs takes place upon their appointment to their roles.

All other photographers are to fill out an Authorised Photographer Registration form obtained from the Media and Communications page at or the requesting department and completed forms must be sent to the Communications Department, along with a photo/scan of the valid WWC Card / VIT.

The Communication Department will check online to ensure the WWC certificate has not been cancelled, and then create a photo ID valid until the WWC certificate expires or for the specific event and co-signed by the Conference Secretary.

The requesting department will then require the photographer read and sign the Authorised Photographer Agreement before giving them their ID.

For the purpose of this Department Policy:

* Digital images includes photographs and/or video footage (referred to as footage)

** livestreaming refers to video recording and sharing immediately via an internet stream to other locations using a number of platforms (such as vimeo, youtube and facebook)  and may be accessible to anyone.  These streamed recordings may then be made available permanently through said platforms.

*** photographers refers to collectors of digital images as defined above * for photos and video footage where the footage is obtained by mobile device such as a mobile phone, hand held camera, go pro, drone or other portable device.

****Conference refers to the Victorian Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

1VICON goes to church bulletin secretaries to put in their local church bulletins.  But no guarantee a local church will use all the material in VICON so special request will be made to include it.

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