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Carrum Downs Samoan Women’s Ministry group hosted a Revival Week back in April. The program comprised of two elements, evening services and a camp that was held at Howqua.  Doctor Erika Puni who is currently a lecturer at Avondale College for Discipline of Ministry and Theology was the special speaker for the week.

At least 100 people attended the presentation in the evening with the number increasing each night. The message presented empowered individuals to follow Jesus, highlighting the transforming experience of women who met Him.  The last night a special prayer was offered for all the women in attendance, in renewal of hearts and minds for service.  Non-Adventists who attended during the week were acknowledged and gifted with a copy of the book ‘Follow Jesus’ by

Peter Roennfeldt.

A continuation of the seminars was presented at the camp by Dr. Puni, which focused on individuals being empowered by His Spirit and equipped to serve. Although the week was focus on women, the topics shared were relevant to all who attended.  It was a testament of the Holy Spirit reviving the hearts of church members, to work together.  It saw the participation of the neighbouring Samoan Women’s Ministry groups and Carrum Downs Youth during the week.

At the conclusion of the week, at least two people shared their interest in baptism and the majority of the attendees felt they were spiritually refreshed and empowered to serve God in church and the wider community.

Carrum Downs acknowledge and are grateful for the support of our sister Samoan churches in Melbourne, especially Lynbrook and Pakenham.

Margaret Alefaio