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At our most recent conference committee, Pr Craig Gillis provided a statistical report on a several areas of the work of the church.

Membership growth – we praise God that comparative data to the end of the 3rd Quarter 2020 shows growth compared to the same period last year even though soul winning has had a whole new set of COVID related challenges this year.  We know there are a number of people awaiting baptism and we look forward to the time when that will become a reality.  It will only be in the coming months that we’ll see the result of the work that’s been done in 2020.

Pr Gillis reported that the Victorian Conference has more pastoral workers per member and less office workers per member when compared with all other conferences in Australia.  As you can see, Victorian Conference is much less ‘top heavy’ than other conferences.

  Victorian Conference Average of all Australian Conferences
Pastoral Staff: Member ratio 1: 126.4 1: 163.9
Pastoral Staff/Total Staff 73% 61%
Tithe per member $1424 $1362


It was reported that the Victorian Conference has one field staff member for every 126.4 members – which represents the best ratio of pastors per member of any conference.

Other comparative data shows that in 2019, Victoria had the second highest total tithe for the year and the second highest tithe returned per member of any conference in Australia.  Thank you for your faithfulness.

Mr Brian Mercer, Education Director, presented a detailed positive report of the operation of our school system in the face of COVID challenges.  We thank God for our wonderful students and their families, our excellent leadership team at ASV, our principals, teachers and support staff.

AdventCare Acting CEO, Mr David Reece reported on the redevelopment plans for the Whitehorse facility and the Independent Living Units at Whitehorse and at Yarra Ranges.  He also provided reassurance that the safety and wellbeing of our residents and staff is of paramount importance at all times.  Updates from health and medical authorities are continually monitored and followed. He reported that the recent High Tea which was incorrectly reported in the media as a staff party, was a staff initiative to lift the spirits of the residents.  AdventCare maintains appropriate use of PPE at all times, and staff wore masks at the afternoon tea.  During the brief dance routine, the dancers did not wear masks, but immediately put them back on afterwards.  This is in line with DHHS guidelines for face coverings in workplaces and this has been validated by the Department.  It is clear that the media misrepresented the nature and intent of the High Tea.   This has been confirmed by the numerous positive reports from those who were there for the event.  In March this year, the layout and seating of our dining areas was revised to meet State PHU guidelines for social distancing.  For more information, please contact Mr David Reece.  We thank God that there have been no COVID 19 cases at any of our AdventCare facilities and we invite you to pray that God will continue to protect and lead AdventCare.

Much needed building works at AdventCare continues

Mr Galen Gan shared an update on Pavilions.  We are excited that if all continues as planned, those who’ve purchased a unit will be able to move in before Christmas!  The units that have been completed are looking just great!  There is still an opportunity to buy in to Stage 1 – so for if you’ve been looking, it’s time to make the move!

The display unit is furnished and available for inspection

Mr Graeme Moffitt presented positive financial reports for the conference, schools and AdventCare.  We thank God for His blessing and for the faithfulness of His people.

Big Camp 2021?  We continue to evaluate whether it will be possible to run Big Camp in 2021.  There are some positive signs, but it is still too early to be sure.  So, we plan to run Big Camp if we can – and if not, we’re leaning towards an on-line camp experience at Easter time and regionally based smaller camps as possible.

Please continue to pray that God will open the way as we go forward in anticipation of greater freedom in the future.

Thanks so much.

Graeme Christian  (President)