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It is great that the Covid-19 restrictions are starting to lift in Melbourne. Hopefully by the time you are reading this, even more restrictions have been lifted.
The Victorian Conference has been blessed by the faithfulness of its members during this time, in returning their tithes and offerings. Because of our members’ faithfulness, the Conference has been able to meet and even exceed its tithe budget for the year to date. We have been able to continue to function without the need to reduce staffing. Each of our departmental and team leaders have carefully managed their department’s expenditure during this year and have been able to save in many expense areas, primarily as a result of having to provide resources and support to our churches in a different manner than previously.
Additionally our Aged Care system has been blessed in that we have not had a single Coronavirus Case in our facilities and over the last 12 months we have seen the finance of the company turn around significantly, so we are now operating with a strong operating surplus.
We praise God for our blessings, and thank you for your faithfulness.

Graeme Moffitt, CFO