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In previous years, a number of Adventist and other churches have gone all out in organising public-facing Christmas events, such as Carols by Candlelight or the Road to Bethlehem live nativity experience.  Many of these have been incredibly successful in terms of attracting thousands of community members, not to mention making it possible for several thousand copies of Signs magazine to be distributed free to the public at these events.

But, with the Covid Grinch threatening to steal Christmas 2020, now is the time to start thinking about creative alternatives to make sure your community has the chance to hear the story of Jesus’ birth this year. Here are some to kick off your brainstorm:

  • Large gatherings are likely to be discouraged in the lead-up to Christmas, so a more personal approach may be called for. How about going door to door in your community with a small Christmas gift (home-made biscuits?) and a friendly note with contact details. Or, if you want to go a little larger, how about home-delivered healthy Christmas hampers to needy families? Whether the gift is small or large, don’t forget to keep everything Covid-safe and to offer a free copy of Signs.
  • What do you do when you have a church that loves music, but singing is discouraged?  Carol singing may be inadvisable, but how about busking in a public place with instrumental music or, for the less musical creative types, actors in biblical costume depicting a frozen nativity tableau? Those who stop to enjoy the performance can take a free Signs and maybe make a donation to a local cause.
  • “Pop-up” events and installations are on trend right now. What unexpected public places could you visit with your church’s soup kitchen or health testing van?  Or maybe the pop-up could simply be a Signs rack with the December magazine, available on a “free, take one” basis.  Who knows?  You might find a great location for a Signs rack all year round!
  • Or maybe your Christmas strategy involves sharing messages of hope online. If you’re looking for some appropriate content, search the Signs website for Christmas-themed articles and share your favourites via social media and/or email.

What do you think? Some of these ideas won’t be practical for your situation, but others might. The point is to get thinking and start planning!

The December edition of Signs has an attractive Christmas cover and includes articles about affordable kids holiday activities, dealing with grief at Christmas and what the Bible teaches about Immanuel—God with us.

Get your one-off bulk Signs order in by Thursday, October 22 to avoid a great disappointment! Email Kelli Geelan <[email protected]> or freecall 1800 035 542.