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It was sad to hear Scott Morrison say that places of worship are now closed.  Only days before, indoor gatherings of less than 100 were permitted, and our congregations were searching for ways to hold small group worships in place of church.  And a week before that we were agonising over whether we should continue our plans for Big Camp.

Things are moving incredibly rapidly.  There are changes almost hourly.  Understandable fear and uncertainty are on the increase.

Have you been following last quarter’s Sabbath School lessons?   How timely.  The book of Daniel certainly reassures that nothing takes God by surprise.  He is in control, and if that were the only message from Daniel, it would be sufficient.  But there is more.  Daniel tells us the story of salvation.  It not only describes God’s plan to save humanity, it tells us what is going to happen.  Christ will return and all sickness and sorrow will be wiped away.

So during this time of isolation and in some cases, loneliness, fear, hardship and lack of security, may I point you to Jesus.  Please keep your hope and faith firmly fixed on Him.

We can be like Daniel’s friends.  They did not know how their story was going to end, there on the plain of Susa.  They knew what could happen, and that was enough for them.  From their story we know even more.  We don’t know the exact details of what will happen but of this we can be sure.  God has promised, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” and that’s a wonderful promise.  Just as the Son of God walked with the three worthies in the fire, so He has promised to be with us in whatever comes our way.  He will see us through this.

Let’s remember, there is a God who loves us enough to warn us of difficult times while at the same time promising that He is in control.  As we’re reminded by the book of Daniel, God cares.

So let’s share our hope.  In this time of isolation, let me encourage you to appropriately keep in touch – whether by phone, or social media, zoom or skype.  Let’s use our creativity to build community in new, risk-free ways with appropriate safeguards in place.  And let’s find new ways of sharing the good news that God cares!

Graeme Christian