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In 2015 the Adventist Women’s Ministry Advisory undertook fundraising for Annette and Leon and their two sons, having learnt about Leon suffering end stage kidney failure and being on dialysis awaiting renal transplant.

Leon arrived in Australia in December, 2012, to join his wife, Annette who was completing  her Bachelor Degree in Public Health and Health Promotion at Deakin University.  They have two boys who were then aged two and four.   They settled into Australia, and the boys have excelled in primary school.

However since Leon’s diagnosis, their future has been filled with uncertainty.   The Mont Albert SDA church has been supporting Leon and his family in various ways and the Adventist Women’s Ministry Advisory were also able to contribute, raising funds to support Leon’s medical treatment and legal expenses during this time.  

Early June this year, the family received permanent residency.

“This is a massive answer to prayer,” said Women’s Ministry Director, Tarnya Garner, after Annette called to tell her the good news.  She and Annette wept  tears of joy as they reminded each other of the many challenges faced, and more importantly the overwhelming blessings the family had received through the support and the love of the people who have been helping.  “We are so grateful for God’s grace and perfect timing… Annette is due a baby girl in the next month.  All I can say is that God’s timing is always perfect.”