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Two members of the same family were baptized on Sabbath, August 17 at The Oasis. Priscilla and her uncle, Darren, made their public commitment to Jesus in front of a full church of family and friends.  As they shared their stories, it was clear to see their love for God and God’s leading in their lives.  

Darren grew up in an Adventist family and attended church until he decided to go his own way.  For the next twenty years he lived his life distant from God but his family never stopped praying that God would stay near.  One day he was challenged to pray to God.  So he reluctantly did and began a relationship with Jesus.  Attending Revelation Today affirmed his belief in the Bible as God’s Word and since then Darren has been a regular at Sabbath worship and part of a mid-week small group.  One family member said, “Today is an answer to our prayers!”

Priscilla also grew up in an Adventist home.  She was baptised as a young adult and believd in God, but had not yet had a personal experience with Him.  Priscilla says she put God “on the back burner” but God was always there trying to pull her back to him. After some time she decided to really try and get to know God. In her testimony Priscilla said  “God revealed himself to me in so many ways.”

Darren and Priscilla have both experienced God’s power to transform lives.  They are now passionately sharing their experience of God with others and faithfully pointing friends and family to Him. Priscilla summed up her testimony beautifully: “My story will keep unfolding, I will continue to grow in my faith, I will continue to put God first in all that I do. My life is forever dedicated to our loving God who only wants to be a part of each and every single one of our stories. It’s just up to us to let him.”

Fraser Catton