Recently our Pop-Up Bookshop was blessed with 26 sales plus 19 Great Controversies were given as a free gift book to each customer. Another day we experienced 22 sales and 22 Great Controversies were gifted. Of all these sales 90 -95% are Bibles (adult and children’s).
We call our Bookshop “Mobile Bookshop 2 U” promising to call to the customers home and demonstrating our Literature or deliver their order. With 26 sales in one day, we believe that our ministry will play a part in leading many people to the kingdom of God. The Bookshop is set up in different shopping centres to reach as many people as we possibly can. We have had feedback from people who tell us that they enjoy reading the Great Controversy and our other books such as Steps to Christ, Desire of Ages and Christs Object Lessons by Ellen G. White. We offer these books to each of our customers for free for them to enjoy.
Many customers come just to discuss end time or ask what is happening, we love these discussions, especially since Covid. The sale of 90 – 95% of Bibles demonstrates people’s thirst for information about God, Christ, and the future. (Covid has prohibited us from going home to home) but now people come to us. Yes, the people come to us!! Please pray for your Literature Evangelists who are out at the forefront of reaching the people through our truth filled literature.
Geoff & Sylvia Wall
Greenvale Church