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The Growing Together program that commenced earlier this year, is still going and growing in momentum.

It is eleven weeks since participants first met together at the Growing Together Summit, and the world has changed so much since then, including our churches and church communities.

We pray that you are doing well and have been able to adjust to new ways of doing ministry and church for the purposes of mission.

The cohort directors from around Australia came together recently to pray, share and encourage each other.  There are pockets of good news all around the country, and there are those who are struggling.

If ever there was a time to be experimenting front and centre, it is now.

We praise God for the positive things which are happening in our church communitites.  The Holy Spirit is not needing our church buildings and open doors to work, that is certain.

The next webinar session is scheduled for this coming Sunday, please pray for the cohort as they discuss, learn and then try out refreshing ideas for church growth that will bring all generations together as one.

Phyl Hyland.  Melbourne Cohort Director.