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Congratulations to our Myanmar church community in Sunshine North on your committment and growth, on becoming a Church Company.

Our Myanmar group was started with two families worshiping at Sunshine North house church in 2009, unable to worship in other local Adventist churches because of the language barrier.  They were not the only families struggling.  Some had joined Spotswood church, others attended Sunday services where their language was spoken.  Many relied on public transport, and they were scattered across Melbourne.  Once per month, the families from the East and from the West tried to get together to worship on Sabbath.  But with the logistic problems, those in the East began meeting together at Ringwood Church.  Mervin and Nan Myat Kyaw worked tirelessly to support these small groups of members, encouraging them and studying the Bible with them.

Their numbers in this small western church community increased to the point they moved to worship on a Sabbath afternoon, at St Albans Croatian church in 2014, shortly after their official recognition as a Church Group.  In 2016, they moved to Wyndham Pk Community Centre, to be closer to their brothers and sisters in the Werribee Karen Church Company.

2021 sees them meeting in a new venue – back in Sunshine North – as an officially recognised Church Company.

“Even during this Pandemic time, God is so good to them,” says Pr Nan Myat Kyaw.  “They could worship online faithfully, inviting pastors from Myanmar.  Now, they have grown to over 30 members.  Our gracious God wonderfully touched our VIC Conference leaders’ hearts and they are now joyously organised as a “Myanmar Seventh-day Adventist Melbourne Company” We thank God heartily… again. “

The members mission is to bring lost Adventist believers back to church.  Their elders regularly visit non attending Adventist families, offering Bible study and prayer.  But they are not stopping there, also being committed to sharing Christ with the wider Myanmar community across Australia.

“Pray,” asks Nan, “that God will continue to lead them and bless them as they earnestly serve Him in Melbourne Burmese community to grow and to glorify His name.”