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The world-wide Church’s new strategic focus for 2020-2025, “Reach the World: I Will Go”, is rooted in the Great Commission.  The plan, based on a Biblical and Spirit of Prophecy mandate, covers a wide spectrum of church life.

Read more here.

This weekend, starting Friday evening US time, a special time of worship will be streamed, which can be viewed on the following platforms:

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 Adventist News Network

Pastor Ted Wilson

Adventist Mission

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Adventist News Network

Friday, July 3, 2020 the I Will Go evening program premieres at 9 pm, which is 11 pm Melbourne time.

The Saturday, July 4 program premieres at 9 am (11 pm Melbourne time) with Pastor Mark Finley leading the Sabbath School discussion with “Why Witness?”, and Pr Ted Wilson preaching “I Will Go”.