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“How sweet your words taste to me; they are sweeter than honey. Your commandments give me understanding; no  wonder I hate every false way of life.” Psalm 119:103-104 NLT

When you have no appetite, food does not appeal to you. When you’re not hungry for God’s Word, it also does not appeal to you. The more hungry you are, the more input, nourishment and direction you will want from God. Hunger is a critical component in learning to love God’s Word.

How can you increase your appetite for God’s Word? How does your physical stomach grow? It grows as you eat more and more food. Actually, when you eat a lot, you expand your stomach and your capacity to eat more. The less you eat, the less you will feel like eating. It is the same with God’s Word. The more of His words that you take in, the more you will desire to listen to His voice. The less you take time to listen to God through His Word, the less you will desire knowing His ways.

Your very practical choice to feast on God’s Word (reading it in greater and greater amounts) will result in your spiritual stomach expanding. Your appetite for God and His ways will increase. Your love for His Word will grow. This is something that you can do. You can’t change your feeling of desire for God, but you can choose to increase your appetite. This will happen through regular and large doses of “feeding” on His Word.

The first step to increase your appetite for God’s Word is simply reading it often in large amounts. The next step is obedience to the Word. Before you walk away from reading the Bible, ask God what step of obedience He has for you. Knowledge does not show our loyalty and love to God. Obedience does. It is obedience that will greatly increase our love for God and his precious words. Are you ready to increase your appetite? Begin today.