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Kids Clubs

Upcoming events

Upcoming events are listed below

There are no upcoming events at this time.

A Kids’ Club – Why? Why? Why?

• An outreach for children in the community
• It demonstrates to parents that the church values children
• Children can make friends with Christ-centred people
• Children can come to know Jesus
• The church family can enjoy serving God together as a team
• A beginning program which can link to follow-up children’s programs (not an isolated event)

Our Goals for a Kids’ Club

• Present Biblical message with gospel invitation
• Provide a safe, enjoyable program
• Give opportunity for children to decide for Jesus
• Revitalise children’s Sabbath School
• Provide opportunity for church kids to reach out to other kids
• Train youth in children’s ministry

Where Shall We Begin

1. Look at your community

• Are there children? Which ages will you cater for?
• When would their families want them to come – which holidays, Sundays, late-night shopping times, family nights?
• Where will run one – church, school hall, home?
• What organisations may give support?
• How will you advertise? Flyers, newspaper ads, banners.

2. Make a Start

• Set a date
• Allocate a budget. Will you charge fees?
• Decide on a venue
• Choose the leaders – director, singing leader, drama leader, Bible story leader, craft leader, snack leader, games leader
• Find someone qualified in First Aid?
• Child safety background checks on leaders and helpers
• Hold a planning meeting
• Advertise early
• Decide how you will decorate
• Decide on crafts and start collecting materials

3. On the Day

• Registration – pre-first day? payment?
• Record – for emergencies, follow-up
• Name tags – cool as well as necessary
• Security – completed screening forms? Uniforms for helpers? access to children?
• Zones of safety for helpers and children
• Rules – how to make them clearly understood and enforced
• Behaviour management – firm, fair and friendly
• Refreshments – medical conditions, water

4. Follow-Up

Invite children back for other programs: Friday night tea and presentation with family and friends, Children’s Church, Sabbath School, Adventurers, Special occasions, Christmas, Easter, Picnics, Kids Clubs, movie nights

So… you want to run a fun filled program for the children of your church and community? We may have just what you are looking for!

We have many of these ‘VBS’ programs available at the conference office for use in Victorian churches. Each kit contains everything you need to plan a program that will keep children coming back for more. With bible stories, songs, crafts, snacks ideas, games and more a VBS is a great way to share the message of Jesus with your children.

For a deposit of $50 you can borrow a complete kit containing all of the manuals, music & videos you need to make your church the place to be these school holidays!

Available VBS kits:

Bug Safari

Sergenti Trek


Kingdom Rock


Cave Quest

Camp Kilimanjaro

Jerusalem Marketplace



Sabbath School Teacher
Parent / Carer
Get in touch

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