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On Friday the 26th of November, youth from Melbourne Asian Seventh-day Adventist Church hosted a farewell party for Pr. Josh Wood as he moves into his new role as Trust Services Director at the Victorian Conference. With over 20 youth gathered at the Church, special time was dedicated for speeches of appreciation for Pr. Wood’s leadership and mentorship over the past few years.

The speeches ended with Yam Seng, a traditional Chinese toast which is used for special occasions.

As part of the worship, Pr. Wood was given the opportunity to answer several questions that the youth had submitted previously, centered around difficult theological topics. His answers led to deep discussions that provided more insight into these topics.

Pr. Wood expressed his appreciation for the youth and members of MASDAC Church for their warmth and hospitality over the last few years.

We wish Pr. Josh Wood all the best as he moves forward into his new role.