“Sing to the LORD a new song, for He has done marvelous things; His right hand and His holy arm have worked salvation for Him.” Psalms 98:1.
In June this year a group of passionate young people got together to form a youth run and youth led choir. After a tough two years full of lockdowns and uncertainty, we felt like God was putting on our hearts a desire to start a youth choir. After a few months of planning and advertising, The Melbourne Adventist Youth Choir was started. We had an overwhelming turn out to our first open rehearsal and social night with over 50 people signing up to join. We were incredibly blessed with support from our local youth and churches, especially the Springvale Spanish Church who provide a space for our rehearsals. We meet regularly and learn together ways to develop our voices and raise praises to our God. We have a passionate conductor who sources our music and arranges hymns specifically for MAYC.
We are currently working on a few songs that are almost ready to share and we have plans to have our first performance soon. We are also excited for the Christmas period as there are plans in the works for a Christmas concert for the community. We have an Instagram, @Melbourneyouthchoir, where we share short videos of our rehearsals, songs we are working on, and any upcoming performances.
We continue to praise the Lord for His guidance and ask for our church community to keep us in their prayers as we use this ministry to glorify Him.
Andreea Mohanu
Co-founder of MAYC Choir